D R . B R E D E K A M P
4 Sir Benjamin Promenade, Oxford Street, Durbanville +27 21 914 3110 rbredekamp.w@gmail.com

Contact Info

Our Team

Professional Dedication and Integrity


Christian Stephan Bredekamp

Psychometrist (Independent Practice)
PMT 0094978

Dr. Rosa Bredekamp

Counselling Psychologist
Practice No. 8620520

James Smuts

Registered Counsellor
PRC 0030279
Give us a call

We Are Always Ready to Help


Satisfied Patients

We strve to provide the best possible service to all of our clients. Our promise is to always stay professional in everything we do and decide.


Years of Experience

Dr Rosa Bredekamp is a Counselling Psychologist, registered with the HPCSA since 1991. She obtained her doctorate through UNISA in 2001.

What we strive for

Our Promise


Our Psychological Assessments include science, theory and clinical knowledge for the purpose of understanding psychological dysfunction in a variety of contexts.



Our Psychotherapy and Counselling aim at assisting you in understanding your behavior and mind, including the conscious and unconscious, as well as feeling and thought for the purpose of promoting your well-being and personal development.

Professional Services

We practice from spacious offices in the heart of Durbanville. Our team is ready to serve our clients with the professional dedication and integrity that have become our trademark over the years.
